Guided Wilderness Connections

an Insight Oriented Approach to Healing in Nature

Where do you go when you need to clear your head, shake off stress and unburden your heart?

I’m betting that like me your go-to place is quiet time in nature; and when wounded, you too are drawn by Nature’s healing power as though it were woven into our DNA.  On a primal level we know that nature heals, nature restores and nature quiets; but somewhere along the way, we lost touch with these vital connections between our Selves and the Natural world, and between our Selves and our inner world.  This can be experienced as mental numbness, disconnection from feelings, hypercriticism, fear, and loss of confidence. We survive by staying mission focused, over eating and drinking, isolating from people and living restricted lives.  But a day up in the mountains brings us back again, part way at least for a while.   Why? How? Can I hold on to it?  

Guided Wilderness Connections is a Community of Nature people trying to hold onto that “I’m on top of the mountain feeling”.  And so we turn to Mother Nature for guidance where we see the forces of Community, Connections, and Service in perfect harmony.  Our mission is to rejoin that harmony by focusing our efforts on building Community, make healthy Connections, and engage self-less Service.  Community Connections and Service is our path to thrive.  Read on to see if you may want to join us. 

The core program of Guided Wilderness Connections is here to help you identify, connect, and hold onto rediscovered aspects of your inner Wilderness so you can more easily connect with the outer one; we do this by helping you establish a daily practice of Wilderness Meditation.  You know the feeling, it’s that state of mind we identify with feeling happy and content, calm and secure and our problems seem to find their own creative solutions. This is the state of mind from which we can safely and effectively visit and change old thought patterns, bad feelings and triggered sensations,  Experienced guides can modify this approach to meet the needs of populations.  Today we are building an outdoor community to serve the needs veterans and first responders aka, Veterans Village   

Our guides have chosen to share their own challenges developing a daily practice as a way to encourage discovery of your own.   We have also prepared a  YouTube video describing the ABC’s of Wilderness Meditation.   And finally, our weekly webinars (Monday at 5:00PM EST) will give you a glimpse of the program, the value of having a daily practice, and a chance to ask questions.  If you would like to try one of our Monday evening seminars or learn more about this program please send us a contact form.