The Core Program

The core of Guided Wilderness Connections is a four-week program to learn and practice the Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy model created by Richard Schwartz and the Center For Self Leadership,    Successful participants experience greater harmony and inner peace as they learn to access thoughts, feelings, and sensations that have been discordant.  In addition, Nature hikes are encouraged as part of a regular practice routine.  Working with ourselves in this way we call Wilderness Meditation and believe it enriches insight meditation by enabling re-connection to our roots in nature.    We use a beginning ABC approach to teach meditation and access, but find that people quickly settle into what comes naturally to them.  The goal is to get to know your “inner world” so newly discovered aspects of yourself see you as their leader.  Training takes place in groups of six to eight people led by a wilderness guide.  Group members help each other learn Compassionate witnessing, a powerful tool for Self acceptance and change.   Following the four weeks of classroom style learning, the group will be invited to plan a half day Wilderness Hike where they can refine and practice Wilderness Meditation skills.   What is the next step?  The options include everything from individual coaching to a support group and will be discussed through out the program. You decide.  How about joining us Monday at 5PM EST and listen in as guides discuss their challenges practicing Wilderness Meditation.  Send us a request for a link on the  Contact form